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Do you have to rush to the toilet or go frequently?

Do you find it hard to get started or your flow is slow?

Do you dribble after you have finished urinating?

Difficulty controlling or emptying your bladder can be a very frustrating and embarrassing problem.  Often the cause is enlargement of the prostate as a man grows older but there can be other contributing factors.
Did you know that 30% of men who visit their GP have incontinence issues, however two thirds fail to discuss it.  So you are not alone and research shows that pelvic floor physiotherapy can help.

Male pelvic floor muscles act like a hammock across the base of the pelvis to support pelvic organs including bladder and bowel 

Common symptoms:

  • Having to rush to the toilet because of an overwhelming urge to pass urine

  • Leaking urine on the way to the toilet

  • Having to pass urine frequently

  • Having to wake up at night several times to pass urine

  • Feeling like you haven’t fully emptied you bladder or returning again soon after urinating

  • Difficulty starting to pass urine or having to strain to empty your bladder

  • Leaking after you have finished urinating or as you walk away from the toilet

Possible causes:

  • Weak pelvic floor muscles or an inability to relax your pelvic floor muscles

  • Enlarged prostate

  • Prostate surgery eg. TURP

  • Poor drinking or toileting habits

  • Constipation

  • Chronic cough

  • Obesity

  • Strenuous sports or heavy lifting at work or gym

  • Ageing

  • Neurological conditions

  • Certain medications

What can be done?

  • We are specifically trained to make a thorough assessment and design a treatment program to meet your personal needs. 

  • Learn where the pelvic floor muscles are and how to use / relax them

  • Specific exercises will help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

  • Bladder training will help to control frequency and urgency symptoms

  • Learn a more effective way to empty your bladder

  • Education on how to use these muscles in your daily activities including exercise or at work

  • Advice on preventing further weakness or over-tightness of these muscles

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