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Pelvic Girdle Pain

Do you have pain in your lower back, buttock, pubic bone or hip?

Is this pain making it difficult for you to walk?

Does it hurt to roll over in bed or get dressed?

Women commonly suffer from low back, buttock, pubic bone or hip pain during pregnancy or in the early postnatal period.  Pain often occurs more on one side due to muscle and joint imbalance as the hormones during pregnancy relax your joints, ligaments and muscles.  Posture changes and additional weight gain during pregnancy also contribute to pain.
Although pelvic girdle pain is common with up to 40% of pregnant women experiencing this pain, it is not normal and you don’t have to put up with it! 
Physiotherapy has been shown to reduce pain, help you self manage, prevent worsening of symptoms, and aid a quicker recovery after you give birth.  Almost all women who suffer from pelvic girdle pain are able to have a normal birth.

Trigger Points are tight knots in muscles (x) and cause pain (red dots/shading)

Common symptoms:

  • Pain in your lower back, buttock, groin or hip

  • Pain in the front or back of your pelvis

  • Pain when walking or going up/down stairs

  • Pain when you sit or stand or getting in and out of the car

  • Pain when you get dressed

  • Pain when rolling over in bed

  • Pain increases with increased activity

Possible causes:

  • Pregnancy and childbirth

  • Hormonal changes in pregnancy eg. relaxin

  • Postural changes and weight gain in pregnancy

  • Poor muscle control and support of the pelvic joints

What can be done?

  • We are specifically trained to make a thorough assessment and design a treatment program to meet your personal needs.

  • We have specialized training in releasing and strengthening the muscles involved

  • Specific exercises will help strengthen the pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles to help support your low back and pelvis

  • Education on how to use these muscles in your daily activities including exercise or at work

  • Posture correction

  • Possible use of a support belt or taping to aid stability of the pelvis

  • Education on self management techniques

  • Education on lifestyle modification, safe exercise and avoiding aggravating factors

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